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So if a cat can't smell its food, it's not going to eat. What could cause a cat to lose its sense of smell?" he asks. garfieldfat cat 3 pack #8 (garfield fat cat three pack) There is a brief silence. "Upper respiratory infection?" a students pipes. "Absolutely. Cats get upper respiratory infections all the time. So you have a fat cat that gets the flu and can't smell. The cat stops eating. What is the body's reaction going to be?" "Mobilization of fat to the liver," garfieldfat cat 3 pack #8 (garfield fat cat three pack) says one. "Right. You have anorexia in the presence of abundant fat garfieldfat cat 3 pack #8 (garfield fat cat three pack) stores. The body will try to feed itself by moving body fat stores to the liver to be converted into fuel. The liver can't handle this fatty saturation and liver dysfunction ensues," explains Dr.