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(I drew the cats and the dollar signs. Yes... I know I can't draw) About the videos data This dataset and the orginal idea comes from TheyRule, videos a work videos by Josh On of the amazing Future Farmers. They graciously gave us their dataset and we created an RDF interface. Add a bit of SVG code and you get this nice graphical interface. I assume these are the top 100 companies in America or something like that (I don't live in America so don't recognise all the names). I said it above and I'll say it again. This is just a visualization of XML data (RDF in this case). It happens to be done in SVG. It was really easy to do in SVG because it is already an XML format, so comes with an XML parser and XML DOM. SVG also has a very powerful drawing API, so nearly all of the graphics are created on the fly. Technical Details (what's happening here) Each time you you expand a node, the SVG viewer sends an HTTP request to this server.