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We had no clue she was uncomfortable or in bbw models pain, although looking back she did spend bbw models a lot of time in her "Grumpus Cave" under the armoire, but she never failed to come out from under there to be social or be pet. Would she have been around longer if we'd have put her on a strict diet? bbw models Would she have been happy being constantly hungry all that time? I'm not sure of the answers, but we're being extra-careful with Frisky, Piper and Nardo. Nardo's recent weight gain despite constant exercise with his lizard-hunting excursions and endless frisking about may lead to some tough-love and strict portion control now that every one of them is at least ten years old. Posted by Laurence Simon at February 21, 2006 03:00 PM Trackback Pings TrackBack URL for this entry: Comments ACK! That poor Chinese cat! Oofk! It's so hard not to spoil my kitties and give them a few bits of cold cuts when I make my sandwich each day.