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cats gain too much weight, you’ll find character and virtues more fat over the ribs; fat becomes more noticeable in the belly and at the waist, and there’s no abdominal tuck, according to the assessment. character and virtues At obese, cats have a heavy fat cover, and you can’t feel the ribs; there will character and virtues be heavy fat deposits over the back, face and limbs, and the abdomen is distended.Fat has its consequences. Diabetes is common in overweight cats, and the secondary problems can be difficult to deal with. “That alone should be enough to scare people into responding,” Brost says.Obese cats, especially, are in danger if they stop eating, and fat cats often develop joint problems too. Food is half of the equation, and Brost sees a link between human expectations of food and cat obesity. Everything’s marketed to the owners who want to see their cats aggressively eat, he says.