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Fat cat From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia high speed internet For other uses of the term, see Fat cat (disambiguation). Fat cat is slang term which describes a rich, greedy person who, due to ownership of capital, is able to "live easy" off the work of others. Often, those labeled "fat cats" will reap a sustantial financial gain from a business, while the business itself, and the people who are employed by it, do not. The term is also sometimes used to refer disparagingly to wealthy high speed internet contributors to a political campaign. Fat cat imagery is commonly used in editorial cartoons. [edit] External links [edit] Fat cats in magazines Fat cats feeding - Why are company bosses being paid such large sums of money? [edit] Fat cats in editorial cartoons On the back of a fat cat Big cats in florida Fat cats in a hotel room - Everything in the world is planned by a bunch of fat cats smoking cigars.