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Along with treating the liver problem the cat and its initial cause (if there is one), veterinarians also have to treat problems resulting from the liver problem, and these can range from infections to neurological problems. Fortunately, the liver swelling and fat buildup are usually reversible, and most patients respond well to tube-feeding treatment. the cat Recovery the cat time varies; some cats may improve within a week, while it may be months before others start eating on their own. Thin cats that stop eating can also suffer liver damage, but fatty liver develops more slowly or to a lesser degree. The fatter the cat, the more fat there is available to be mobilized and moved to the liver, where it will build up in liver cells if the cat is protein-deficient. "Fatty liver is just one reason it's so important to keep cats at a healthy weight," says Dr. Ridgway. She also recommends keeping an eye on your cats food intake and being aware that cats often stop eating in new situations, such as during boarding or after moving to a new home.