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he asks us. "Tube feed?" a students asks. "Yes, you can hospitalize the cat and feed it through a tube. You could also encourage eating by buying a smelly bbw plumpers cat food-something your cat could sniff through its cold. Smearing some food on a paw is another means bbw plumpers of encouragement. Even if your cat will not eat, it will still clean itself," Dr. Gelberg suggests. After bbw plumpers your cat has recovered from hepatic lipidosis or before your fat cat gets hepatic lipidosis, you should put your cat on a veterinarian-recommended low-calorie diet. Encourage exercise via catnip or toys. Monitor your cat's intake carefully in times of stress (for example, the addition of a new pet). And weigh your cat weekly to make sure it is losing weight. By slimming Tiger down, you could save him from hepatic lipidosis and other life-threatening diseases related to cat obesity.