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Whilst we are still receiving a high quantity of demos, we have decided to attempt to fat cat reviews use the freedom of our website to showcase the best of these. These have been curated online (in alphabetical order) with downloadable audio and information & contact details for each artist. This section of the site will be continuously updated, with new artists being added to it as & when good material is recieved. The choices of who we have asked to join this archive are selective, and we make no apologies fat cat reviews for this. These are tracks we fat cat reviews consider to be good quality material, tracks that (were it not for our workload) we would be happy to release on FatCat. Join the FatCat mailing list. Join Leave All demos received by FatCat are listened to and replied to. With the amount of demos we are currently receiving, we would prefer if you could send your best tracks rather than sending loads.