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eewww.  Shes nothing but a large pile of flab stuffed into tight underwear.  You should get her on a diet or find a new wife.  Nasty. Angela, what´s your weight? You look so nice now that you are fat. I love you babe! Eat more plump plumpers galleries com and get more fat! You´re SEXY SEXY and more SEXY! And one thing: You look really better fat! Angela should be healthy, period. Unfortunately with such heavy weight comes plump plumpers galleries com health plump plumpers galleries com problems. Sore back sore knees, etc. If you man loves you for "you" he will encourage you to be more healthy so he has you in his life longer. A few extra pounds is good but being obese is not. Honestly, being out of breath walking up stairs cannot be fun, and if you are easily out of breath, how can you enjoy sex and intimacy? Eat smart, live and love longer.
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